Augusta Image File Using Unscaled Parameter Values
1) in the overlay control window select only the image tiles for export. From the file Menu select 'Export', 'Export Raster
Image Format ...','GeoTIFF', 'Tip' ... this brings up the GeoTIFF options window.In the options window Select '8-bit Palette
Image'. Set the Palette to 'Grayscale - min is black' (the 'Greyscale Palette' selection looks to give the same result).
Enter the 'Sample Spacing/Scale' X-axis & Y-axis values as .487680000, the calculated sample spacing for 500 DPI.
2) Click on the 'Export Bounds' tab at the top of the window to set the bounding box. Select the 'Corner w/Size' option.
Enter the NW corner saved from exporting the elevation grid SHAPE file, and enter the calculated unscaled Width 3657.6
and Height 2438.4 values for the model. The 'Reset to Last Exported Bounds' button is an easy way to set these values
if the model elevation grid was the last file export. Be the NW location is the same as for the exported SHAPE file.
3) Click OK. Name the image file and append IMAGE and a sequence number: AugustaIMAGE1. Click Save.